The ForceFeed

  • Sentinel
    Merry Christmas everyone.
  • Sentinel
    Sentinel liked BlueMilkDrinker's status
    I'm just gonna say it
    I liked The Acolyte
    Sep 3 '24
    1 1
    Sentinel likes this
    Oct 7 '24
    Enjoyed it I did, canon lightsaber whips now are.
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  • JohnDoyle
    JohnDoyle joined group
    Jar Jar Lovers
    Jar Jar Lovers
    This group is for everything Jar Jar Binks and Ahmed Best so long as it stays POSITIVE 
    Total users: 2
  • JohnDoyle
    JohnDoyle commented on their photo
    How is everyone? Here’s a recent (ish) photo of my Star Wars room.
    Oct 2 '24
    3 2
    Sentinel and Silmerion like this
    Sep 23 '24
    That is totally impressive!
    Sep 24 '24
    I've downsized my Star Wars collection to practically nothing over the last few years and now only focus on things I like rather than getting stuff because it goes with other stuff. I do plan on creating a Thrawn Trilogy scene with Black Series 6 inch figures and KOTOR 1 and 2 scenes too.I've downsized my Star Wars collection to practically nothing over the last few years and now only focus on things I like rather than getting stuff because it goes with other stuff. I do plan on creat...See more
    Oct 2 '24
    Nice. I plan on downsizing as well. Starting with TFA and TLJ stuff. My focus now is OT stuff and a few TVC figures here and there from newer shows, PT and ST but I am not trying to own everything that comes out anymore.
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  • Silmerion
    Silmerion commented on Sentinel's status
    James Earl Jones, the voice of Daryl Vader has died aged 93, R.I.P.
    James Earl Jones Dead: Darth Vader Voice, Lion King Star Was 93
    James Earl Jones Dead: Darth Vader Voice, Lion King Star Was 93
    James Earl Jones, the distinguished and prolific actor in films, TV and theater known for providing the voice of Darth Vader in "Star Wars," has died.
    Sep 23 '24
    Such a sad news
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  • Jedigrandmaster
    Jedigrandmaster commented on their status
    Finally found my way back in, after a long time away. Has Disney screwed up any more series or characters yet?
    May 14 '24
    2 1
    JohnDoyle likes this
    May 14 '24
    Welcome back!
    May 14 '24
    Thanks. Good to be back amongst fellow fans.
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  • Jedigrandmaster
    Haven't been on here in a long time.
    Here's my view of the state of Star Wars; Kathleen Kennedy needs to step down or be fired. She has utterly destroyed everything she has touched with her "Force is Female" feminists BS and strong dominating female characters like Mary Sue herself, Rey.
    Now it looks like KK has destroyed the masculinity right out of Indians Jones.
    Have you seen the demeanor and look on Harrison Ford's face? He looks just like how Mark Hamill was when he had to help promote The Last Jedi. Sickening!
    Anyhow these are just my personal opinions and I'm only posting to my own profile page so there shouldn't be outlash from any who think, feel and believe differently.
    Haven't been on here in a long time.
    Here's my view of the state of Star Wars; Kathleen Kennedy needs to step down or be fired. She has utterly destroyed everything she has touched with her "Force is Female" feminists BS and strong dominating female characters like Mary Sue herself, Rey.
    See more
    Jun 12 '23
    First of all nice to see you back!!!
    Jun 12 '23
    My view is she should step down but not for that reason. I have no problem with strong female characters. ( Luke was originally going to be female so take it up with GL himself. Leia is the ultimate depiction of a strong female character. So if you have a problem with that then question your entire SW fandom). My problem is they absolutely screwed up the chance for a brilliant sequel trilogy. They thought they knew better than GL himself and ignored his outlines for the sequels and came with this awful idea that they could just make up a trilogy as they went along like some expensive game of chinese whispers. And it was just criminal that all the scriptwriting genius they could hire could not come up with a way for our beloved legacy characters to be reunited. Even for one frigging scene. What a wasted opportunity. Even if they were only in the first one and not even seen again. Do a proper handover to the next generation. Check out Picard Season 3 for an example of how it can be done in an organic and uncontrived way. As for the rest and the TV shows Well Rogue One was good. Mando Season 1 and 2 were good and Andor was good. Rest has been pretty average. So yeah I agree but not for the same reasons.My view is she should step down but not for that reason. I have no problem with strong female characters. ( Luke was originally going to be female so take it up with GL himself. Leia is the ultimate d...See more
    Aug 6 '23
    I definitely agree that the sequels were handled more than poorly when they could have been just amazing so yes, new leadership is needed!
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  • Jedigrandmaster
    Jedigrandmaster commented on Silmerion's status
    I am really enjoying the new Ahsoka series so far!
    Who else is watching it?
    Nov 19 '23
    Crazy to think how far she's come!
    Dec 27 '23
    Indeed! Looking forward to Season 2!
    May 2 '24
    Good series.
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  • Jedigrandmaster
    Jedigrandmaster commented on Sentinel's status
    Mandalorian movie announced.
    New Star Wars movie announced: The Mandalorian And Grogu | The Independent
    New Star Wars movie announced: The Mandalorian And Grogu | The Independent
    New film directed by Jon Favreau will follow Baby Yoda (Grogu) and the Mandalorian
    May 2 '24
    2 2
    darthwyck and Silmerion like this
    Feb 14 '24
    That’s a great news!!!
    May 2 '24
    Kathleen Kennedy is still a thing? Ugh.
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  • JohnDoyle
    JohnDoyle commented on Sentinel's status
    Carl Weathers R.I.P.
    Carl Weathers, former NFL player turned Hollywood actor who starred as Apollo Creed in the Rocky movies, dies aged 76
    Feb 21 '24
    3 1
    Silmerion likes this
    Feb 14 '24
    Such a sad news, RIP to him?
    Feb 14 '24
    I meant to put a hand prayer emoji at the end
    Feb 21 '24
    Very Sad News. He seemed so healthy. Wonder what happened
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