JohnDoyle's blog

Hi fellow forcebookers! I know the site is very quiet these days and I accept the responsibility for that. The big mistake I made was choosing a platform which has ceased any sort of support or development. It works ok and does the job but has never caught on as appealing for people to use. I feel like everyone is off having their Star Wars discussions on regular social media platforms. I really do not want to shut down Forcebook but a change is needed I think. 

So I do have an alternative platform. it looks very promising. It has an active development team and community making plugins and add-ons for it. It also lays the groundwork to create a native IOS and Android app for the site which is the No1 thing holding us back I think. 

I want some feedback. Should I migrate all users over to the new platform or just start from scratch with only the active users being encouraged to come over to the new platform ? I dont have the means to do a full data migration from this platform over to the new one. But I am hoping this would be the last time we ever do such a migration and this new platform will serve the community for years to come. Also I could get passionate and excited for the site again. I would love to hear your feedback. 

Thank you


Owner Founded May 4th 2010
